Prior to joining Eruptr, Abby served on a patient advisory board and worked closely with senior healthcare professionals. She also has a strong journalism background, having published 48 articles! Abby saw Eruptr as a good opportunity for her because she is passionate about giving people the access and care they need without putting up barriers. In addition, the interactions with her Eruptr colleagues have helped enhance her digital strategy skills.

Both sides of Abby’s family are farmers and ranchers, and she grew up in southeast Kansas. She majored in Integrated Marketing Communications at Wichita State University. She currently lives with her husband and three children in Kansas, 20 miles from Wichita.


Fun Facts

Comfort food: Sushi, Escargot, and meatloaf sandwiches.

A prized possession: A beautiful quilt made from my late brother’s shirts and a porcelain Christmas tree that was my grandma’s.

Your “secret” talent: I make a mean broccoli salad, it’s a highly requested recipe

Favorite books: “The Afterlife of Billy Fingers” by Annie Kagan and “Anything” by Dolores Cannon

Favorite Vacation spot: Viva Las Vegas